Can lack of sleep cause mental illness?

Getting enough sleep is essential for your physical and mental health. We’ve all heard it before from our mothers, doctors, and just about every self-help guru out there. However, what happens if you don’t get enough sleep? Surely nothing that bad can happen from losing a couple of hours rest here and there, Right? Well, not exactly! In fact, scientists have found a direct link between lack of sleep and mental disorders.

Insomnia Is More Than Just Feeling Tired

It’s one thing to feel groggy after an all-nighter or having trouble falling asleep once in awhile. But insomnia is a chronic condition where you struggle to fall or stay asleep on most nights. It’s no walk in the park; trust us!

How Bad Can It Get?

Insomniacs typically experience extreme fatigue during the day time because they spend their nights tossing and turning instead of getting some much-needed rest. This kind of chronic exhaustion elevates irritability levels which makes them unbearable beings to be around (just ask anyone who knows one!).

Depression And Anxiety Are Common Consequences Of Sleep Deprivation

Depression affects more than 10% of US adults at any given point while anxiety disorders are experienced by up to 40 million Americans over the age 18 each year according to studies by Harvard Health Publishing [1]. These mood disorders’ prevalence has increased over recent years- could this be because we’re working late into the night or streaming Netflix for entire weekends without giving ourselves time off?

When asked how depression feels like, different people might express it differently- feeling empty inside with zero energy left in their body( sometimes described as ‘paralysis’), loss of interest in things that usually gave pleasure etc[2]. On the other hand when dealing with anxiety various symptoms include sweating uncontrollably, racing heart, feeling restless or irritable and being overly cautious[3].

Diving into the Science

Loss of sleep means time for your brain cells to refresh themselves is absent. This gives rise to overstimulation in certain parts of the brain that can cause various mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Psychotic Episodes: Could Sleep Deprivation Be The Culprit?

Psychotic episodes are periods when a person has an altered sense of reality.’A Beautiful Mind’ starring Russel Crowe really showcased this issue quite vividly- if you haven’t seen it yet it’d be an excellent watch after reading this article! [4] One key characteristic trait during these momentsis dysfunctional thinking patterns which include delusions ( false beliefs ) hallucinations (imaginary sensations), irrational behavior, paranoia etc that makes one lose touch with what’s real.

So Can Lack Of Sleep Cause It?

While there may not necessarily be a direct link between insomnia and psychosis,it is suggested by researchers from Columbia University Medical Center that disrupting your circadian rhythm – essentially altering our body clocks – could contribute to psychotic triggers for those prone to them [5].

Irritability And Short Temperament Follows Just Like A Shadow

Ever experienced snapping at something trivial such as mistakenly leaving your keys on the table? These short-fused temperaments might just be attributed to lack of Zzzz’s in bed. Sleeping less than six hours heightens irritability levels since amygdala ( part responsible for emotions) becomes more active.[6]

Now let us discuss some unusual but effective ways through which we can dodge mental instability linked with sleep deprivation (We advise you take notes!) :

  1. Give Lavender Oil Therapy A Try:- smells matter too guys! Turns out lavender oil has been proven helpful in increasing restfulness instead so why not try switching your candles to this scent?

  2. Bright Light Therapy:- When insomnia sets in, one effective solution is a regular exposure (30-120 minutes) to bright light each day.

  3. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (MBCT):- Breathing exercises and mindfulness walking actually help keep you calmer and at peace even when operating on limited hours of sleep.


Sleep plays an essential role not only physically but also mentally.Insomnia can cause anxiety,some psychotic symptoms,irritability,intense mood swings,and trigger depression if it persists for long periods.So go ahead,get yourself some Pink Floyd Albums or warm milk because whatever aids you with better rest(sometimes unconventional) helps! Remember our tips could change a sleeping disorder making it worth following so take notes people!

Disclaimer: While we have done extensive research which informs our stance,take what we say with a pinch of salt since everyone’s biology reacts differently.

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