Can keppra be crushed?

If you’re reading this, you might find yourself asking: can Keppra be crushed for easier ingestion? Well, my dear reader, the answer is not as straightforward as one may think. In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about crushing Keppra – from what it is and why people take it to whether or not crushing it is safe or effective.

What is Keppra?

Let’s start with the basics. Keppra is a brand name for levetiracetam – an antiepileptic drug used in the treatment of epilepsy or seizures (fun fact: did you know that more than 150 thousand people are diagnosed with epilepsy every year in the United States alone?) Levetiracetam works by suppressing abnormal brain activity that can cause seizures (which makes me wonder – would taking too much of this drug suppress all activity and essentially turn us into vegetables? Discuss amongst yourselves)

Keppra comes in various forms such as oral tablets, oral solution (liquid), extended-release tablets and injection (don’t worry fellow needle-phobes, we won’t dwell on that topic today) The immediate-release tablet form of Keppra has been approved by the FDA since 1999 while other forms emerged later through clinical trials.

Why Do People Take Keppra?

As previously mentioned, those who experience partial onset seizures sometimes opt for taking kepra to manage their symptoms. Howeverm there are other conditions where it could prove useful such as bipolar disorder’ neuropathic pain’, etc. Its use depends on individual cases subject to physician diagnosis based on factors like medical history age/weight consideration alongside potency assessment among others

To Crush or Not to Crush?

Now let’s tackle our primary question: can we crush these dang tablets? The answer isn’t a straight “yes” or “no”. While extensive research has not been conducted on this topic, some sources seem to give the nod of approval for crushing Keppra immediate-release tablets.

However, As a general rule mashing/crushing pills is suboptimal as it puts you at risk of absorbing more or less than the prescribed amount. Crushing an extended-release tablet or capsule could result in highly concentrated intake due to how they’re designed to release slowly over time; breaking them up disrupts that process (but hey, if risking a seizure doesn’t bother ya – mash away)

What Are The Possible Side Effects?

Before you begin popping these tablets like M&M’s with your morning orange juice (BTW- Not recommended), let’s discuss the potential side effects one may experience whilst taking keppra:

  • Drowsiness/dizziness
  • Weakness and tiredness
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite/nausea/vomiting/stomach upset
  • Double vision
    and other rare but potentially even severe impacts which should be duly discussed with medical professionals amongst others.

Side note: did you know that there are certain forewarning signs one can look out for as potential indicators of seizures? These include feelings/aura changes body jerks’ unusual smells/tastes/sensations and many others depending on individual cases?

How Should We Take Keppra Instead?

Now that we’ve got it covered what not to do lest become victims ourselves (we love us too much!), let’s revert back to “how” we should take our dear friend Keppra instead:

  1. Swallow whole without chewing.
  2. With enough water preferably before eating but why challenge yourself?
  3. If administering liquid forms measuring cups/spoons should be employed rather than estimations I’m sticking my pinky finger in the bottle guessing games which always end bad stories…’nuff said!!

Furthermore, patients are advised against doubling doses in case one is missed as well as taking with alcohol (so no weird sugar cookies and keppra parties – sorry)

In Conclusion…

To sum up,’le crush or not to crush’, when it comes to Keppra tablets depends on various factors like the type of tablet, individual medical history/condition/prescription, etc.
Also worth noting is that besides crushing medication, there are many other ways people have come up with tries managing pill swallowing struggles ranging from changing posture/orientation at ingestion times, fruit sauces/supplements/’lozenge-like’ drugs preparations all aimed at making life easier.

Given how critical this drug can be for those dependent on it,it’s highly recommended consulting a doctor before any alteration in the way its administering (otherwise don’t blame anyone when everything goes south) Because after all said and done your health should always come first.
So dear reader go forth armed with knowledge into that sunrise knowing that you’re already winning!

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