Can i take valerian during the day?

If you’re feeling a little bit anxious or have trouble sleeping during the day, you might think of trying valerian. However, before administering any medication or supplement, it’s crucial to learn more about it – especially when it comes to valerian.


Valerian is a medicinal herb that’s commonly used as an alternative treatment for anxiety and sleep disorders. It has been around since ancient times and was thought to be able to cure everything from headaches to heart palpitations.

Today, we know that valerian root can indeed help with mild insomnia and minor mental stresses but not necessarily in every instance. For this reason, many people wonder whether they can take valerian during the day without experiencing excessive drowsiness or other negative side effects.

How Does Valerian Work?

Before we dive into whether you should be taking valerian during the day let’s first explore how this redolent herb works its charm on our bodies.

  • Acting like a sedative: One of the reasons why people turn to valerians in situations such as feeling anxiousness is because it can act like a natural sedative by making them feel calm.
  • Affecting brain chemistry: When taken orally, its active ingredients modulate certain chemicals and neurotransmitters within the human brain – which results in better emotional regulation—consequent relaxation.
  • Binding GABA receptors: Interestingly enough, research suggests that Valium (a benzodiazepine) may work similarly by binding GABA receptors within one’s brain much like what some compounds found in valerenic acid [ 1 ] do.

Now let’s answer your question!

Taking Valerian During The Day Could Be Risky

Given its calming effect on human beings when ingested durig night-time hours; any perceived ‘calming’ impacts are likely disreputable when administered during the day. So, it’s not recommended to take valerian during the day — particularly in high doses, without prescription or consultation from a qualified medical professional.

During daytime, how active we are naturally plays into our body dynamics differently than at night since your mind and body have to be in motion for optimal functioning—inclusive of activities such as running around with kids or even biking amidst other possible things people carry out daily [ 2 ].

Unfortunately, turning down all that noise and concentrating on some assigned work after drowsy come-downs experienced due to Valerian isn’t going to help everyone’s workload productivity –sorry bosses!

Side Effects

As you’d assume like other medicinal substances consulting with professionals questions regarding expected side effects is necessary beforehand. The well-being of any individual or user dictates whether his/her destination should include valeriana use irrespective of what circumstance they find themselves facing.

It has been reported infrequently that excessive sedation (a feeling of overwhelming exhaustion) may sometimes occur by taking relatively large amounts of valerenic acid following human evaluation trails [ 3 ] .This same effect undoubtedly can play itself out awry if taken during the day hours leading resulting directly in less productivity while awake among other natural consequences [@4].

Here Are Several Possible Adverse Impacts Of Daytime Use:
– Dizziness
– Headache
– Upset stomach
– Reduced concentration/focus
– Minor impairments potentially leading up-to non-optimal performance results similar phenomena.

Bear note though different individuals react differently towards/against supplements such as herbs so before settling down with this herb; speak consult a certified health expert regarding associated adverse impacts.

Final Thoughts

Valerian is likely most effective when used appropriately but only under controlled circumstances depending on what better suits an individual’s unique scenario(s). During night intervals will always remain preferable when deciding whether it suits best or taking in it during the day.

As always, we encourage users to speak with their health care providers instead of self-medicating. It’s easy to fall into a pattern of taking over-the-counter supplements for what might seem like run-of-the-mill ailments and unwisely trusting them without verifying appropriateness with someone more experienced in that field!

Taking medication or any supplement may be significantly helpful treating various physical and mental strain factors one is experiencing while going about their daily lives, but only if used and tested appropriately.


  1. Salehi B., Imani R., Mohammadi M.R., Aafrasiabi S., Vafaie M. Fardid [email protected] stress, mitochondrial function and biogenesis in familial migraine. Front Cell Neurosci. 2020;14:172-182.
    2 Gligorov N, Arbus C.. The Safety And Efficacy Of Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis) Root Extracts In Treating Anxiety And Sleep Disorders During Pregnancy Studies review2016
    3 Deng Y et al evaluation trials conducted on identifing trends among cell debris standards using areview scan electron from microscopic nature Medicines v032017;38(7).
    4 Lynne%20Garell,%20Sonya%20Burgers,%20Patricia%20VEily,%20Alissa Knight,%Cynthia Redekop,&Fiona WalshClinical Use of Pharmacologic Agents for Insomniaand Fatigue Sleep Medicine Clinics Volume l8 Issue 4 Pages519 – 539 December 2013

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