Can i take out my own iud?

So, you’ve finally had enough of your intrauterine device (IUD). Maybe it’s causing discomfort, or perhaps you want to start a family. You might be tempted to take matters into your own hands and remove the contraceptive by yourself.

But can you do that? The short answer is technically yes – but should you?

Let’s dive in and find out!

What Is an IUD?

Before we go any further, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what an IUD actually is.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small T-shaped contraceptive device that is inserted into the uterus by a healthcare professional. There are two types available – hormonal and non-hormonal – which work to prevent pregnancy in different ways.

The hormone-releasing IUD gradually releases progesterone, thickening cervical mucus to impede sperm movement into fallopian tubes while increasing their acidity level. Meanwhile, copper-wrapped devices trigger white blood cells’ release which attack sperm by producing harmful substances limiting their fertilizing capability.

Now, back to our original question…

Can You Remove Your Own IUD?

While self-removal may appeal as seemingly plausible or cost-saving option during COVID 19 pandemic through reducing visits to exposed situations like hospital/clinics,that does not mean it’s safe! If done improperly or without proper equipment, removing an IUD can lead inevitably worse outcomes than mere time waste including infection risks , injury , heavy amiable bleeding and unwanted pain for extended periods of time .

Remember Meena Kumari from Tennessee who recently attempted DIY-IUD removal with carpet strings when her provider refused quick appointment due limited resources? The end result was visiting ER experiencing sustained abdominal cramps thereafter expulsion attempt . She warns “Don’t try this at home” recognized taking own health decisions can result in visible negative effects if not competent enough.

Therefore, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for the IUD removal. They’ll have the necessary tools and skills to perform the procedure safely and comfortably.

Why Would You Want to Remove Your IUD?

People decide to remove their IUDs for various reasons. Here are some common ones:


While most people don’t experience any pain during or after insertion, it’s normal for your body and uterus to take some time (several months) adapting with NEW INVASIVE OBJECT by causing slight discomfort at beginning of start feeling like natural object slowly but persistently lingering there disrupting everyday activities , besides sometimes causing cramps/abnormal heavy bleeding .

Family Planning

If you’re ready to conceive or received proper medical clearance regarding health status ,you may want to remove your IUD accordingly . Hormonal contraception might cause irregular menstruation making timing difficult while non-hormonal such as copper they create an environment that is toxic too sperm hence delaying fertility window which isn’t effective method sustaining indefinitely since efficacy issue exist specifically concerning lack predictability whereas permanent methods like sterilization/vasectomy still constitute more reliable alternatives .

Side Effects

Although contraceptives such as hormonal pills pose higher risks than this technology while presenting less advantages compared intrauterine class looking from long-term view point.Therefore removing after deciding side-effects aren’t worth compromising physical fitness or when one wants revert back prior condition would seem logical choice altogether!

What Happens During an IUD Removal Procedure?

When you go in for an IUD removal procedure, your doctor will likely ask about why you’re having it removed, check first into visibility degree of device checking location using ultrasoundif necessary ensuring proper entry exerting no additional pressure onto surrounding organs allowing unhindered delicate entry process upon success taking steady approach trying minimize painful symptoms marked partiers!!

After visualizing internal monitoring position correctly, device’s strings are held firmly a pair of special pliers to avoid any risk regarding accidental slip out It would be wise have check-up control in scheduled intervals once IUD is extracted by specialist MD/NP who trained for same.

You will most likely feel some cramping and discomfort— which can range from mild to moderate or severe if there was placement error — during the procedure but soon after feeling relieved having gone through removal successfully since relief primarily come outweighs temporary loss!

Post-procedure resting period typically lasts anywhere between ten minutes up-to as long as required based on physician’s suggestion. Doctors also may advise using barrier method like condoms or utilizing alternative forms contraception until patients verify they’re pregnancy-free.

When Should You NOT Remove Your Own IUD?

Although removing your own contraceptive device might appeal you initially especially when hearing all stories about doctors’ being overbooked+overworked at hospital setting situations alike due pandemic. Don’t forget it poses risks subjecting possible complications that aren’t worth taking lightly!

Remember: your health related situations should not be a DIY project irrespective of surrounding circumstances barring emergency situation when unable reach clinic/doctor swiftly while awaiting further action subsequently.. Just because something seems like a good idea initially doesn’t mean you should always follow through with it!

Here are some specific scenarios where self-removal is an absolute no-no:

Untrained Environment

Unless holding relevant medical education/professional experience or under guidance practicing physicians, standard cannot met performing such procedure adequately devoid unlikely outcomes arising leading negative consequences rather than any victory .

Complicated Positioning

If your doctor has said that your IUD is positioned abnormally (like lodged in scar tissue), attempting to remove it yourself could result in damage to internal organ walls causing worse repercussions altogether.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Being unaware underlying conditions interacting side-effects poorly increases susceptibility unforeseen eventualities manifesting much more complicated reactions besides symptoms exacerbation prone to start developing IUD can almost produce irreversible effects once removed,so it is not advisable acting rashly without conducting proper research consulting thoroughly with doctor regarding individual backgrounds.

No Strings Attached

If you are unsure of placement and removal strings have gone astray/suffice inaccessible for unskilled personnel like yourselves ,then leaving procedure properly certified professionals possessed required safety protocols needs followed!

The Bottom Line: Always Consult a Professional

While the urge to remove your own IUD may be tempting, turn towards wiser alternative seeking medical attention making appropriate arrangements under optimal setting reducing obstacles related potential complication. Remember health cannot become #lonefighter against self-treatment! There should always care existent physicians effortlessly helping through dire times asking only offering critical advice in finding ways able address particular situation providing sound solutions healthcare accessibility preserve so desperately require.

Stay safe and healthy my friends – trust me, it’s worth it in the long run!

“Don’t try this at Home!”

Ultrasound – ultrasound scanning uses high-frequency sound waves (also called ultrasonography) producing images that allow internal part views not visible on x-ray or CT scans.

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