Can i take evening primrose oil while on birth control?

Do you glow in the dark or have two heads? No? Then read on to find out whether it’s safe or not to mix evening primrose oil and birth control.

First off, let’s get some terms straight. What is evening primrose oil? It’s a supplement extracted from the seeds of an herbaceous flowering plant called Oenothera biennis. The oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Now, what do we mean by birth control? There are different types such as hormonal contraception pills, patches, intrauterine devices (IUD), and more that prevent pregnancy by controlling hormones in the body.

So, here comes the question: can taking evening primrose oil at same time with birth control cause any interactions or side effects? Let’s dive into this topic together.

Hormonal Contraception Pills

The most popular type of birth control medication is hormonal contraception pills (also called “the pill”) which contain estrogen and/or progestin. These hormones suppress ovulation preventing pregnancy but may come along with certain side effects including acne, mood swings and breast tenderness among others.

If you’re one of those women who suffer these symptoms and decide to take EPO supplements seeking relief; hold up! Remember that EPO contains GLA which your body converts to prostaglandins substances that affect hormone levels. Therefore using EPO simultaneously could possibly interfere with hormone regulation prompting potential problems.

In summary there isn’t sufficient evidence regarding how EPO interacts with contraceptive medications so be cautious .

Progestin-only Pill

Progestin-only pills work differently than combination oral contraceptives – they only slow down sperm movement through thickening cervical mucus ,therefore diminishing chances of fertilization . These particular formulas don’t contain high doses of various hormones .

EPO hasn’t been linked to harmful side effects when taken along with progestin-only pills. However, if you encounter issues after consuming EPO consult your doctor for more personalized advice .

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is usually performed on postmenopausal women as a way of alleviating some symptoms such as night sweats and hot flushes among others.

Taking EPO while under HRT therapy could possibly interact negatively . Ingesting the herbal supplement prompts increased production of certain hormones within body thus exaggerating the impact of hormone replacement medication leading to abnormal hormonal imbalances causing detrimental consequences.

The interactions would probably need monitoring by medical professionals , so it’s wise that you approach them first before combining EPO with HRT plans.

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements may be categorized as natural yet they can lead to possible negative outcomes especially when combined improperly. These supplements contains active ingredients and should be consumed responsibly just like prescription medications according to labeled directions.

It’s advised not consume Evening Primrose Oil or other herbs concurrently with birth control without attending assistance; Doing so decreases probability generating unfavorable reactions.

Natural Family Planning Methods

Curious whether taking evening primrose oil affects temperature based natural family planning? Unfortunately little 1 has been studied in this area .

Is there anything I should keep in mind before consuming evening primrose oil?

When considering using any supplement including EPO one action step includes speaking directly with licensed healthcare provider even if going prescription-free.. This helps prevent general health concerns such potential allergic reactions or unexpected drug interactions prior to use.

Here are 5 other aspects you might want know :


Like most herbal remedies correct dosage depends on individual health status, medications swallowed ,and desired outcome? Always read labeled info thoroughly which lists optimal amounts regarding everyday consumption minus experiencing adverse effects.

Side effects

Typically EPO has a good safety profile yet mild and temporary side effects such as gastrointestinal issues, dizziness, headache could arise most especially with larger doses. Plus It may interact poorly with Manchineries ,Blood thinners

Beneficial properties

Though little data supports various benefits attributed to EPO by some fans the key element within the supplement is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Storage methods

Evening primrose oil might spoil easily thus it’s common practise to storage in dark place under room temperature avoiding prolonged exposure light sources.


At present time research hasn’t concluded definitive answers regarding hazards or viability of taking Evening Primrose Oil concurrent with hormonal birth control. Caution should be exercised in all instance prior combining natural health remedy with medications aligned any form of medical counsel for more personalized recommendations .

In simple terms -Please do not attempt DIY supplementation without first consulting your healthcare provider.

1: “Timing Of Hormone Concentration Measurements After Administering Estrogens May Impact Interpretation.” ScienceDaily. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Mar. 2018.

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