Can i give my dog a fleet enema?

As dog owners, we often have to take care of our furry friends in ways that may make some people squirm. This includes giving them various medications and treatments, as well as cleaning up their poop on the daily. But when it comes to their bowel movements, what can we do if our pups are experiencing constipation? Enter the fleet enema.

What is a Fleet Enema?

Before diving into whether or not you should give your pup a fleet enema, let’s first talk about what exactly this product is. A fleet enema is essentially a saline laxative solution that comes in a small bottle with an applicator tip. The purpose of this product is to provide quick relief for those who are constipated by flushing out the rectum and colon.

Fun fact: The term “fleet” actually has nothing to do with speed; it was named after its inventor, Charles H. Fleets.

Why Would You Give Your Dog A Fleet Enema?

Now that we know what a fleet enema is, let’s get straight to the point: should you consider using it for your dog?

The answer isn’t necessarily cut-and-dry because there are many potential causes of constipation in dogs.

  • Dehydration
  • Inappropriate diet lacking fiber and nutrients
  • Chronic medical issues

Regardless of the cause (or if these symptoms persist more than 24hrs), talking with your vet before administering any kind of medication or treatment would be best practice!

That being said, there may be certain situations where giving your pet pooch an at-home-administered Fleet could help alleviate discomfort:

  1. They’re Struggling To Poop

If they’re seeming unsuccessful in attempting/straining but not producing stool from rectal area :'(

2.. It’s been Days Since Their Last BM

If your dog can’t poop for longer than two days, it’s time to start thinking about relieving the constipation by stimulating a bowel movement.

  1. Vets Orders

In some cases, vets may recommend administering an enema to help clear out any blockages.

Can Fleet Enemas Be Harmful To Your Dog?

As with anything involving medications and pets, there are certain risks and potential harm that could cause more hurt than healing.



  • You Could Damage Your Dog’s Intestines

Introducing foreign substances into an animal’s rectum or colon can potentially cause trauma to their digestive tract.

  • They May Resent The Treatment Process

Relieving stress & keeping calm during treatment is important in maintaining obedience yet convincing reluctant pets of new processes might be challenging! Avoid forcefulness if at all possible!

  • Considerable Mortality Rate (WHEN PRODUCT IS USED IN PEOPLE)

According to Live Science article, there deaths each year as result of ingesting fleet enemas incorrect fashion!

Therefore leaving such a delicate medical process (especially one intended for human use) on amateurs like ourselves is not advised – this means giving your dog a Fleet should only ever under veterinary supervision!

Alternative Solutions For Constipated Dogs

While we’ve established utilizing fleet may not necessarily be best fitting option for our dogs prone constipation problemss.. other remedies which may work better include:

  1. Increased Water intake
  2. Exercise Looseness
  3. Herbal Laxatives/Digestive supplements

There are plenty of alternatives you can seek aside from resorting straight for medicative aid.

Bring In The Poop Patrol

The number one way to assist our dogs through there intestinal issues is via proper veterinary examination. This includes:

  • Diet Recommendations: Providing adjusted meal plans to better address specific health problems.

  • Abdominal Massage – a more delivery option and can be performed in the safety of your own home!

  • Bloodwork or Xray analysis screenings.

If you’re concerned about cost being an issue, ask about payment options such as monthly payment arragements.

The best course or action always remains seeking professional aid when dealing with your dog’s digestive system!


All in all, utilizing human-grade medicative remedies like Fleet enemas for canine constipation might not be necessary the most ideal. As pet owners it’s important that we keep ourselves informed on healthier alternatives concerning supplementing our pooch! Tweaking there diet and lifestyle are definites steps toward improving overall bowel function -if further care is needed, seeking recommendations from vet teams will greatly benefit (and possibly help avoid any larger medical bill expenses).

While helping clear up ‘crap’ may never win anyone tickets on popular tv game shows (sigh) by keeping yourself knowledgable & ahead of potential risks/issues accompanying both natural-& medically collated treatments used within today’s society (& their place for animal use), safely assisting unpleasant ailments will become easier over time 🙂

Remember – if you’d like to find out what other types of things we do to make looking after animals that much more intense» check out my next article titled “How To Trim Your Ball Python’s Nose Hairs”. Thanks for reading y’all! 🙂

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