Can i drink alcohol on my period?

As if dealing with cramps, bloating, irritability and other period-related problems weren’t enough, now you have to consider whether or not it’s safe to consume alcohol during that time of the month. Many women have asked this question before – whether they should give their liver a break or if they can indulge in one too many cocktails whilst experiencing their monthly flow. Well, in this article, we will dissect the matter thoroughly and provide some answers that will leave you feeling satisfied.

The Short Answer

“Yes, you can drink when on your period.” But wait! There are caveats.

It is important to note that our bodies experience changes during menstruation. Hormones fluctuate; our mood swings harder than Tarzan; blood flows out… these are things that must be kept in mind when deciding how much to put down at happy hour.

Meh.. Science Stuff

To fully understand why drinking while having your menstrual cycle (yep) might be a problem for some women, we’re going to get science-y with phrases like “menstrual cytokines”, “women’s cardiovascular response” and whatever rolls off Dr Google’s tongue keyboard best.

Menstrual Cytokines

Ohh la-la… cytokines sound fancy AF don’t they? What are these little buggers anyway? Simply put: They’re the molecules within our immune system that provide an inflammatory response whenever something seems wrong.

During periods, there’s an uptick in certain types of cytokine levels which causes inflammation throughout the body—breast tenderness anyone? Which leads us directly into…

Women’s Cardiovascular Response

Another exciting study found increased heart rates among females when consuming alcohol before starting menses versus once menstruation had already begun. That higher heart rate was significantly linked directly back to those pesky menstrual cytokines.

What Happens When You Drink?

So you’ve decided to partake in just one drink. But what, precisely, goes on inside your alcoholized anatomy? A lot… that’s for sure.

It Messes With our Hormones

It may surprise you to hear this but drinking can really mess with your hormones—especially if your body is already going haywire due to the menstrual cycle.

Alcohol consumption has been found by pointy-headed scientists as directly linked to decreased estrogen levels within the bloody female person ranks.

It Dehydrates Us

Lastly and probably most obviously; it dehydrated! Alcohol has a magical way of beating out hydration at its own game. In turn, this major dry-out leaves our bodies looking drained AF; skin all flaky and cracked- like last year’s iPhone screen.

How Can Drinking Hurt Our Menstrual Cycle?

Drumroll please: drinking causes dehydration which leads back old friend inflammation caused by pesky cytokines mentioned earlier.

Massive inflammatory responses from said-cytokine spike during periods can easily be activated when consuming alcohol. That inflammation then travels straight through the stomach lining into nerve receptors around our uterus—a one-two punch leaving only tears and testiness behind.

Things To Consider Before Reaching For The Bottle

Now before we go chucking back tequila shots like it’s Cinco de Mayo ’93/queuing up Pulp Fiction references let’s chat about where exactly each woman stands when swinging both ways—alcoholic drinks or abstinent nights.

Is there anybody negative Nancy downer here who cannot drink? Here are things you oughta check

  1. Birth Control Interactions
  2. Hop over onto those little foils ladies – medication interactions could cause severe harm

  3. Bleeding Disorders

    • Some women have slightly different bleeding disorders
  4. You’re Pregnant

    • No brainer here; expectant moms shouldn’t drink a single drop plz.

Look, I am not your ‘mum’ but just think about the 1 night of fun for the following 2-3days in bed with agony.

Tips For Drinking On Your Period

If you still plan on taking that shot or sipping on that glass of red wine to calm nerves, then at least make sure to do it as safely (and comfortably) as possible by following some genuinely wise tips such as:

  1. Choosing lighter alcoholic drinks
  2. Drink plenty of water

  3. “I’m sorry waitress, would you happen have an Excel spreadsheet documenting fresh clean H2O availability?” Legit ask and drink!

  4. Use tampons instead of pads

    • Pads are already cumbersome enough—adding alcohol into the mix definitely doesn’t help.
  5. Avoid drinking too much

Don’t clown yourself friend

  1. Have pain relief meds handy

There’s nothing like a killer headache after those Jell-O shots start working their magic! Keep Aleve close-by.

6 ASK IF YOUR HEART IS strong Enough

Finally please ask – young youth with conditions should never drink really painful when they can get sick easily.

The Bottom Line

It is plausible to enjoy (in moderation) beers while menstruating your goddess-given soul out however there are several factors woman-kind ought be mindful, specifically interactions between medicines consumed whilst bleeding or way drugs may impact our bodies physiology-steady course.

So ladies bottoms up—if you’re game—while keeping in mind that period-associated bodily changes exist which demand users err toward moderation recognizing any likely ill long term health ramification for heavy drinkers during periods no one needs them!

In other words… Always remember: Drink responsibly 😉

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