Can i drink alcohol after taking benadryl?

Are you one of those people who loves to have a few drinks every now and then? Do you also suffer from allergies or other allergic reactions? If so, you might be wondering if it’s safe to have a drink or two after taking Benadryl. Well, the short answer is yes, but there are some things that you need to know beforehand.

What is Benadryl?

Before we dive deep into whether it’s okay to drink alcohol with Benadryl in your system or not, let’s first understand what exactly this medicine is all about.

Benadryl – when ingested – helps in reducing itching sensations in the human body by blocking histamines produced naturally within.

When should You avoid Mixing Alcohol with Medicine?

It goes without saying that mixing alcohol with any medicine can lead to severe side effects such as:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Upset stomach
    and others

But, did you know that certain medications may even interact adversely while processing along with alcohol inside your body? Yes, it’s true! Henceforth it’s always advisable never mix medication and alcoholic beverages together..

It applies even if they don’t react instantly.. So always keep yourself informed before consuming either.

What Happens When You Mix Alcohol & Benadryl Together?

Now coming back on track.. According to experts Benadryl alone reduces brain activity which makes users more sleepy. Similarly drinking too much of alcohol has the same impact. Although both substances affect brain processes differently, high doses inadvertently create similar neural results.

By combining these sedatives (alcohol +benaldyl), individuals amplify fatigued conditions limiting their alertness behind both wheels and hard machines.Trust me ..the consequences could prove fatal!

In other words: BENADRUNKY is not the way to head off into the night.

What’s the Wait Time?

I can see you clapping back on your couch while I am typing this and might even think that taking a couple of sips won’t do any serious harm. However, let me leave another expert opinion here:

It’s best if you wait for at least 24 hours after taking Benadryl before consuming alcohol

The sedative impact(s) may last within humans bodies much longer than expected . So Hurry up! Set a reminder!

The Heightened Risks

Apart from making one feel sleepy, combining both substances together could create changes in heart function resulting increment in heartbeat and decreased blood pressure level below normal. Some more possible harmful side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Over-excitedness
    and more!

While these reactions differ according to person with different body types, overall tolerance level plays a big role simply inside all our minds! Even though it’s been recommended safe by many specialists around the world.. I’m so against this process myself.

After reading through everything above… The logical answer would be NO but also some people claim that they always have few drinks while on medication with no negative effects.

One thing is clear – There are several reports out there advising movie-goers against drinking alcohol immediately after medicating oneself(Like AskDoctorJo!). It’s unclear what exact amount of time each individual should spend waiting between consumption levels. Thus it will only end up causing complications later-on post-consumption.

My Question; ‘Are you ready/willing enough to take that risk?’.

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