Can i drink after epidural steroid injection?

Are you planning to celebrate the success of your epidural steroid injection (ESI) with a glass of wine or pint of beer? If so, hold on! It’s crucial to know if drinking alcohol after an ESI is safe or not.

First and foremost, congratulations on successfully getting through an ESI. It can be nerve-wracking undergoing any medical procedure but returning back to normal life is worth it. But before you break out the bubbly, let’s delve deeper into what happens when alcohol and ESIs mix.

What Is An Epidural Steroid Injection?

An epidural steroid injection (ESI) is precisely what it sounds like; a shot into the spine near small nerves that manage inflammation in pain-inducing areas such as discs or joints. Inflammation often leads to discomfort around these spaces resulting in lower extremity numbness, tingling sensations, sciatica pain that runs down either leg due to compression by bones or overactive muscles.

The primary objective behind administering an ESI is reducing inflammation around nerves caused by arthritis, herniation disks among others specifically for low back pain sufferers.

Under The Influence Of Alcohol And Local Anaesthesia

Local anaesthetics are common agents used during ESIs which numbs selected regions thus creating a relaxed experience without feeling agonizing needles piercing the flesh surface front-backside style vividly compared to some horror flicks – this means less discomfort immediately after injection taking necessary precautions not mixing substances imbibe

Perhaps having read up until here has strayed your mind towards uncorking that bottle of Chardonnay waiting patiently in your refrigerator? Before diving headfirst ourselves because “you’re already feeling better,” it might prove wise exploring possible adverse effects on mixing local anesthesia with alochol intoxicating consequences. imagine yourself walking wobbly lifestyle changes would occur

Hence summarily, it’s advisable to wait for several hours after the ESI procedure under careful medical supervision before picking up a beer bottle or goblet of expensive wine.

Adverse Effects Of Mixing Alcohol And ESIs

If you wonder what could be so harmful about having booze soon after an ESI injection – let’s examine likely complications. Your body coagulation functions are key, and disrupting with alcohol consumption may cause unpredictable results. An essential precautionary measure is staying away from drinking for at least eight hours post-injection as given the liver needs plenty of time to eliminate both substances through natural processes.

Alcohol mixed with local anaesthetics such as Bupivacaine causes some adverse effects like:

  • Slow metabolism rate = hangover due to slower processing
  • Increased bleeding = increasing the chance of haematomas (accumulated blood)
  • Dizziness and impaired movements = falls & accidents
  • Nausea & vomiting

Allergic reactions are common indicators affecting fewer than 1% recipients; still, mixing substances guarantees unpredictable outcomes that might pose undesirable consequences on one’s health while impairing judgement. It ultimately depends on the user how much they’re willing risking their overall wellbeing – Like many things moderation in everything is ideal instead letting go completely!

We think it best if all alcohol intake process were put off until after ensuring there aren’t any negative impacts arising out of an ESI done.

Contraindications After An Epidural Steroid Injection?

While we’re exploring why its essential not considering drinking immediately following epidural steroid injection, there are other vital contraindications that can impede your safety precautions causing severe complications when ignored. If either or all cases listed below apply-

1) Persistent high fever
2) Loss/gain weight (sudden)
3) Problems breathing/swallowing result in chest pain
4) Infection/ Soreness

5) Bleeding/ unusual bruising, redness at injection site.

Avoid indulging in alcohol irrespective of how tempting an invitation looks after discharge. Better still, first speak with your medical practitioner before making any lifestyle changes drinking included.

How Long To Wait Before Drinking After An ESI

Now that you know the risks and contraindications revolving around drinking alcohol following an epidural steroid injection let’s look at the optimal time frame for post-procedure celebrations.

While waiting to celebrate is likely not the primary focus, it’s essential to give your body ample time to recover from this invasive procedure. Clinically spoken, Many patients resume their regular daily activities within a day or two depending on which type of ESI they have received:

  • Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection (LESI): Some discomfort but minimal side effects if done correctly
  • Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections(CESTI):might lead minor numbness soon after procedures but comfortable.

As stated earlier specific precautions ought to be taken while undergoing ESIs given their nature stress-inducing requiring clearing of one’s schedule albeit temporarily besides restrictions from operating heavy machinery until medically cleared as fit?

Generally recommended duration varies according clinicians’ directives levels however tested caution demands that one avoids alcoholic beverages anywhere between eight hours up 72hours max before consumption depends entirely upon different bodies and age among other factors including weight.

It might sound like a bit too long considering today’s fast-paced lifestyles – But better being safe than sorry taking precautions ahead then seeking remedy once challenges crop up in unexpected ways.

Alternatives For Celebrating Your Success!

We understand feeling elated following successful completion of EIS – wondering what other options are available instead celebrating downing drinks nightlong? Fear not; we have some suggestions:

1) Treat yourself with a candid plant-based diet packed full vital antioxidants rich anti-inflammatory capacity enhances efficacy providing a much-needed boost when recovering post-surgery.
2) Talk to your partner and close friends or family and plan a day out in nature soaking yourselves with the beauty of natural environment while providing needed relief soothing freshness
3) Take time off work for some pampering at nearby spas treating yourself with full body massages – also boosts blood flow while ensuring less back strain leading to potential injury.


In conclusion, regardless how much alcohol imbibe, an epidural steroid injection patient must do everything possible taking appropriate measures before downing drinks. There should be no rush indulging in celebratory booze over patient safety health given injections’ invasive nature can cause unforeseeable side effects from interactions combining different substances.

We would like to thank you further reading through this thought-provoking piece now well educated about what happens when one mixes local anaesthetics with alcoholic beverages. For critical awareness amongst all ESI patients around the world share this article plus caution towards their coworkers/relatives undergoing similar procedures reminding them importance taking enough time for recovery abstaining from alcohol consumption until medically cleared fit- after all say it loud better being safe than sorry!

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