Can humira make arthritis worse?

Arthritis can be a debilitating condition that can make your daily life challenging. Humira, a popular medication used to treat arthritis, has been under scrutiny for its potential adverse effects. There have been rumors circulating about whether or not Humira makes arthritis worse. In this article, we’re going to shed some light on this topic and give you the lowdown on what you need to know.

What is Humira?

Before we dive into the question of whether or not Humira makes arthritis worse, let’s first understand what it is.

Humira is the brand name for adalimumab, which falls into a category of drugs called biologics. Biologics are made from living organisms and play an essential role in treating autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The drug works by targeting specific proteins responsible for causing inflammation within the body.

Sounds pretty scientific doesn’t it? But don’t worry; I’m here to explain everything in layman terms so keep reading!

How Does It Treat Arthritis?

Now that you know what Humira is let’s get down to how it treats various forms of arthritis like RA:

  1. Tackles inflammation: By blocking TNF-alpha molecule which promotes inflammation.
  2. Relieves pain: With lesser inflammations come lesser pain.
  3. Protection against future damages: Reduces risk of joint-damaging complications like cartilage damage etc.,

The benefits definitely sound promising but before moving forward with any medication, one should always be aware of its side-effects & precautions (saving grace much?)

Possible Side Effects Of Using Adalimumab/Humra Treatment

Just like any other medicine out there humira also comes with potential side effects. Although, don’t let this scare you (it’s a fairly common phenomenon) as your medical professional will address all concerns & queries.

Here are some of the possible side-effects:

  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Injection site reactions like soreness, redness or rash at injection point.
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Susceptibility to allergies
  • Rashes on skin which may lead to blisters

It is important to discuss any concerns with your physician before starting Humira treatment; but please note that self-diagnosing based solely on articles or comments online shouldn’t be considered at best.

So Can It Make Arthritis Worse?

Now that we have covered what Humira is and how it treats arthritis, the big question that everyone wants an answer to: Can it make arthritis worse?

The answer isn’t a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. But here’s what you need to know:

  1. There could be initial flares of the existing condition causing temporary setbacks (Time for HALP! No one said there wouldn’t be challenges :/ )
  2. Less impact over time due to resistance built up in the immune system leading physicians alter types/brands of Biologics being used against RA.
  3. However most research suggests no negative impact over time after adapting period from familiarization periods (Big Hurrah) .

So basically, if you’re considering taking Humira ask help from licensed medical professionals ASAP for informed decisions(not Google doctors LOL).

What Are Some Precautions You Should Take?

As mentioned above humira should only be taken under guidance from licensed Doctors & Professionals.

Make sure you understand everything about its use before committing yourself – Start by asking basic questions such as :

  1. The correct dosages needed
  2. Scheduling Routine check-ups during therapy course – bi-monthly blood tests may also possibly be asked till your body adapts; just for safety concerns.
  3. Any activity / food restrictions during treatment process time


In conclusion, Humira does not necessarily make arthritis worse, but like any medication, it comes with potential side effects that you need to be aware of. Speak to your doctor about whether this drug is right for you and if there are any alternatives available based on case.

Remember always be cautious about advice, diagnosis or other such claims – especially from people who are not licensed health care professionals.

“Thus the penultimate step towards optimal medical decision making is reliable information”

Stay safe & take care!

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