Can eye strain cause high eye pressure?

Are you an insomniac? A bookworm who spends hours reading late at night, scrolling through your social media feeds or binging on Netflix while munching popcorn? Do you spend most of your day glued to a computer screen, dealing with tedious spreadsheets and emails that never seem to stop flooding in? If the answer is yes, then have you wondered if all that eye strain can lead to high eye pressure?

Can staring at screens for prolonged periods increase my chances of developing high eye pressure (HYP)?

For starters, what is HYP anyway? Well peeps, HYP occurs when there’s too much fluid in the front chamber of the eyes, leading to increased intraocular pressure. And over time it may cause damage to your optic nerve and even result in vision loss. Yikes!

Now let’s get back on track and see how exactly we’re entering danger territory from simply looking at our electronic devices all-day erryday.

Blue light – Friend or Foe?

Many studies suggest that blue light emitted by digital screens could be harmful as they penetrate deep into our eyes causing photoreceptor cell death leading to dry eyes and headache etcetera.

However, unless you’re living under a rock without any access whatsoever aka using THAT 90s phone where memory had only room for 10 messages or ^beepers…^ well then brace yourself because every device around us including smartphones use LED lights which are brighter than traditional neon lights but emit relatively minor amounts of blue-light compared with TVs and laptops.

Reading posture

Accordingly, slouching uncomfortably over your desk scrutinizing tiny texts every day may worsen migraine headaches caused due obstructed blood flow by compromising arterial vessels supplying& draining blood within neck supportive structure resulting irritation/fatigue clicking/cracking pain popping sound or numbness felt in neck with vision changes

At this point, you must be thinking how lifting weights can have an impact on neuro-ocular structure? Well, the tension caused by tensed muscles in our body which especially happens when we are stressed out can trigger fluctuation of intraocular pressure, causing it to rise temporarily. So always remember to stretch your legs every hour or so while at work.

Long screen time

Research has shown that continuous staring at electronic devices contribute towards increasing symptoms for near-sightedness and cause high degree of strain on eyes leading increased risk for developing HYP .

Guys we’re all familiar with the 20-20-20 rule right?Take a break every 20 minutes And look into infinity from like around twenty feet away (Jokes aside). Looking afar helps reduce constant contraction of ciliary muscle and allows recovery period for your cornea & retina ensuring both anterior&posterior chambers gets hydrated well plus reduces concentration-induced visual stress

The Role Of Age

Age comes as one important factors contributing to HYP and majority patients tend not realising upon having hiked blood pressure without manifestation of visible symptoms. Prolonged usage device compromises other weaker bonds significantly sooner than stronger ones making us vulnerable risking potential perceptional problems associated nerve cells activity.

Thus guys, its safe saying there’s no ‘Black Jack’ rules defining onset age but newer research indicates alterations due frequent microstructural transitions during ages ranging between early-to-middle adulthood gradually involving eventual physiological complications including diabetic retinopathy catasrophic CNS events etcetera.

So there’s definitely truth behind remarkable influence prolonged e-device wielding could pose towards risk prognosis.High prevalence incidences associated genetic susceptibility merely acts prepositioning factor conferring additive increase risk-endangerment&major pathophysiological mechanisms favourably orchestrating cellular-destructive procession ultimately reaching extent resulting permanent ocular-functional loss if either unchecked or treated haphazardously. So, folks, in a nut-shell it’s best advisable to always stay aware and practice good eye health techniques while we navigate along with our technological advancements.

Hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new! Now go rest those eyes, give them some TLC or reveal the truth behind Captain America’s shield (yeah right!). Thank you for reading; I’m off to play some online chess now:D

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