Can external hemorrhoids be hard?

Have you ever wondered if external hemorrhoids can become hard? Well, my friend, wonder no more! Today we will delve into the weird and wacky world of hemorrhoids and find out all there is to know about this strange affliction.

What are External Hemorrhoids?

First things first, let’s get a good grasp of what we’re dealing with here. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower rectum or anus area. They can cause discomfort, itching, pain, and even bleeding (yay). External hemorrhoids, as the name suggests, occur when these swollen veins form outside of the anus.

Are External Hemorrhoids Supposed to Be Hard?

Now that we’ve got a good understanding of external hemorrhoids (fun times), let’s answer your burning question – can they be hard? The simple answer is yes. But don’t worry; it’s not as bad as it sounds.

Hard external hemorrhoid refers to one that has developed a blood clot inside it – something medical professionals refer to as thrombosis.

Throm-Boss Who?!

Hang on a minute; have I lost you already? Don’t fret; I’ll explain…Thrombosis occurs when blood clots start forming inside an aggravated vein. This causes swelling which puts pressure on nearby tissues leading up to the afflicted vessel becoming solid-like, hence giving rise to ‘hard’ feeling in some cases.

Don’t worry! Below is an intuitive table highlighting signs indicating when these monsters appear:

Traditional Symptoms And
Pain Inflammation
Swelling Formation
Bleeding Discomfort

Yep! There’s no side effects. Just imagine having ‘gentle’ fruits hanging off your bum while trying to sit at work meetings!

What Causes External Hemorrhoids?

So, now we know what hemorrhoids are and how they can become hard. Let’s delve deeper into the causes of external hemorrhoids.


Ah yes, our old friend constipation comes up again. Straining during bowel movements leads to increased pressure on the veins in the anus, a foremost cause of hemorrhoids. Strain like this requires Hulk-like-muscles that stress vein-walls weakens them over time.

Prolonged Sitting or Standing

If you’ve seen someone’s name-tag start staring back from all your sitting/standing then oh cripes! Your heart must have sank for even feeling anything close to it! If not No worries yours can still come. Long periods of sitting or standing can exacerbate existing internal health-hazards by causing fluid pooling/hindering blood-flow through venous network pushing towards poor circulation

And my dear am sure you’ll hate me more for bringing desk related stuff into this perilous journey but there’s no avoiding that “Doing-Sitting” is killing us slowly!

(sighs, continues typing)…Back postures during work intensify such haematuria-dangers forcing muscular tension generating haematological woes….)

Pregnancy & Childbirth

During pregnancy, your growing uterus which demands longer time resting on perineum; subsequently puts its weight on veins near-supportive-limitation where at times shearing forces widening the wall boundaries making patients feel as if something seems ‘hard’ once swollen-up

Also while giving birth (or after), extreme exertion pushes major muscles down putting much pressure onto pelvic region including kidneys inflating abdominal evils before everything gushes out leading towards potential anorectal disorders among other things however this just one possible reason…

Can Hard External Hemorrhoids be Treated?

Yes, thankfully hard external hemorrhoid treatments are available. A thrombosed external hemorrhoid will usually resolve on its own, but there are ways to speed up the healing process.

Home Remedies

  • Warm water baths (usually two-to-three times per day)
  • Apply cold compresses for reducing swelling or pain
  • Pain-management through appropriate prescribed over-the-counter medicines example paracetamol

All of these remedies can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing. Remember, it’s essential to consult your doctor before trying any home remedies.

Medical Treatments

In rare cases where symptoms persist surgery may be required; depending upon how severe it is. This might involve removing an entire clot at once.


In conclusion we’ve undergone a colorful journey exploring whether hard external hemorrhoids are real or just a myth… Turns out they’re most definitely REAL!

We’ve learnt what they actually mean – signs indicating their arrival as well having knowledge about treating them using medical and non-medical measures alongside specific causes when this problem surfaces in our life…

Hopefully, you’ll never suffer from them yourself. But if you do, remember that hemorrhoids happen to many people – there’s no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed. And while theirs much discomfort involved; being well-informed with knowledge could prevent outbreak in near future!

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