Can diverticulitis make you dizzy?

Diverticulitis is a condition characterized by inflamed pouches in the lining of the intestine. It can be painful and uncomfortable but can it also make you dizzy? Let’s explore this topic with some humor to lighten the mood.

Understanding Diverticulitis

Before we dive into whether or not diverticulitis affects your balance, let’s first understand what exactly this condition is all about.

What Are Diverticula?

Diverticula are small pouches that protrude through the weak spots in your intestinal wall. They typically occur in individuals over 40 years old and become more common as we age. These pockets can form anywhere from your esophagus down to your rectum but when they develop in the large intestine, that’s when things start to get interesting.

What Happens When Diverticular Pockets Become Inflamed?

It’s important to note that not everyone who has diverticula will experience inflammation which means there might never any symptoms at all! But if these little pouches do become inflamed (presumably because somebody insulted them) then they’ll cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation…wait, where are we going with this again? Oh right – dizziness!

Can Diverticulitis Cause Dizziness?

So now for the moment you’ve been waiting for: can, or rather does diverticular disease lead to lightheadedness or dizziness? Well…

There isn’t much scientific evidence indicating a direct link between stomach issues like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colon cancer – did I mention I’m not very good company at dinner parties because everything somehow ends up coming back round to poo related topics?

Anyway – While many diseases affecting digestion can indirectly cause people discomfort due to dehydration caused by diarrhea (which might make some folks feel dizzy), there is no direct correlation between diverticulitis and dizziness. Unless you’ve decided to go on an extreme “no solid food” diet in fear of triggering a flare-up, then we’re potentially entering the realm of unintentional hypoglycemia here people.

What Actually Causes Dizziness?

So if your spinning head isn’t due to stomach problems like diverticular inflammation then what could it possibly be from?

Remember this old favorite party trick: start twirling around as fast as possible until you can’t stand it anymore and you fall over. Feels kinda not perfect afterwards right?

That’s because when we spin, our inner ear “ducks” follow along with us (I’m sorry but I grew up near the ocean) making them dislodged from their crystals UNTIL they eventually come back,and that messed up feedback confuses our brain. This very fun experience is why many people get dizzy after getting off carnival rides, jumping up and down during concerts or dancing for joy at winning the school spelling bee – none of which has anything to do with little pockets in your intestine.

So What Should You Do If You Get Sudden Onset Dizziness?

If feeling queasy even though doctors say eat lots – broccoli specifically one hour before bed – doesn’t help lighten things up (please note that this article does not endorse attempting home remedies without first consulting actual medical professionals) Drink water or eat carbohydrates like bread/rice,potatoes stuff so long as it’s actually edible by humans typically.

If symptoms persist beyond 20 minutes or so its important seek out a licensed/qualified health professional such as someone who did properly graduate with credentials other than internet trolls who “diagnose” conditions via ‘Google School’.


In conclusion my friends: while experiencing episodes of vertigo/dizziness can be frightening,it seems diverticulitis is not a direct cause. So eat your crunchy veggies, drink lots of agua and rest easy knowing nothing you chew will likely send you spinning quite so literally.

(Bonus points to anyone who gets the reference)

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