Can allergies be treated?

Allergies can make life a little bit harder, especially if you’re curious about how things smell, taste or feel. You might wonder why your friend is able to go through fields of flowers without sneezing their head off whilst you squint your eyes and start involuntarily leaking fluids from every single one of your facial orifices (yes, all of them).

The good news is that allergies affect almost everyone– so, chances are someone out there has found a solution for yours. Let’s have a deep dive into the oversensitivity subject and find ways to keep yourself sane (and non-boogery) on this crazy ride.

Understanding Allergies

Before we jump in on what works and what doesn’t it’s important to know exactly what an allergy really is… other than just plain annoying.

An allergy occurs when our immune system views foreign substance (an allergen) as a threat and starts attacking it with antibodies typically made up of immunoglobulin E (IgE). The body will then respond by releasing histamine which leads to inflammation — hence the itching, sneezing or swelling associated with allergic reactions (sometimes all at once)

Common Allergens:

Knowing the common offenders may help identify potential causes behind allergic reactions:

  • Pollen
  • Pet dander
  • Dust mites
  • Cockroaches
  • Molds
  • Food such as eggs,
    soy etc.

It’s worth noting that many people experience seasonal allergies due to environmental factors like grass pollen versus year-round pet-related ones for example.

But sometimes allergy symptoms aren’t reoccurring because they were caused by something within your environment – sometimes products you put IN rather than ON your body could be playing havoc on your immune system too! So let’s explore some potential remedies:

Top Treatments

Here are some ways to help manage your allergies, prevent or alleviate symptoms:

1. Antihistamines

Antihistamines work by blocking the production of histamine which reduces inflammation (yay no swollen eyes!) and helps relieve many common allergy symptoms.

They also usually come with the added bonus of drowsiness- what could be more helpful in times when watery eyes aren’t just from pollen? There are many different antihistamines available on prescription, over-the-counter (OTC) such as Benadryl or Zyrtec) so finding one that works for you shouldn’t bee too hard….

2. Decongestants

Decongestants can provide relief-filled noses allowing air passage through nasal passages. Some typical OTC decongestants include Sudafed – get the non-drowsy version during daytime however as our bodies natural bodily rhythm influences how effective it is.

Be cautious when buying a quick fix though: misuse may create hyperactivity while blindly following your wanna-be-friendly neighbourhood pill pusher without considering alternatives! Pseudoephedrine (the active ingredient often found behind these products) contributes to speeding up heart rate, raising blood pressure- ergo should only ever be taken under medical advice if you have conditions like high blood pressure (yes Karen I’m talking to YOU).

3. Nasal Sprays

A whopping 6 types of nasal sprays exist each targetting different parts areas within our sinuses than others — corticosteroids known once again for reducing inflammation whilst lubricating said afflicted areas on another hand contain mast cell stabilizers and saline solution plus which thins mucus clearing out blockages safely & efficiently… Take THAT congestion!

4.Weekly Allergy Shots

Whilst not specifically an “easy” option allergy shots do prove efficiency rates skyrocketing over intended adaptations and acts as a strong barrier against reoccurring allergies… definitely worth considering in conjunction with other alternatives!

5. Air Purifiers

Air purifiers like Blueair use HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) technology to remove external agents from the air. The catch? They’re bulky, costly and the HEPA filter system often requires replacement for optimal efficacy…

But did you know plants can also act as natural purifiers filtering toxins such as benzene or formaldehyde upon release?? Call that two birds (or deer) with one stone.


Whilst we cannot completely cure our bodies’ reaction to allergens within our environment- there are plenty of options available to reduce commonly caused symptoms such as sneezing, congestion or even hypersensitivity.

Antihistamines work wonders on dampening inflammation whilst decongestants can help shift pesky boogers more effectively — FOR WHEN YOU’VE GOTTA DO WHAT YOU’VE GOT TO DO PEOPLE! Don’t forget those nasal Sprays either which target specific areas without exposing your internal organs!!

And if all else fails why not thank mother nature once again — invest in a plant instead of yet another man-made object providing sweetness and purified air at the same time you won’t regret it!

So let’s embrace feeling less congested while secretly trying to find out who swapped bulbs #7 & 8 on their festive garland display….

To Achoo is human my friends so be sure always seek professional advice before consuming any treatment supplement but lets celebrate accommodating allergies through informed decisions !

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