Can alcohol make you break out?

If you’re reading this article, chances are that you’ve been wondering whether alcohol can lead to breakouts. Well, my dear friend, the short answer is: YES. But like everything in life, it’s a little more complicated than that.

So sit back and grab your favorite drink while we dive deeper into the topic of alcohol and breakouts.

The Nitty-Gritty Science behind Acne

Before we get to the main course, let’s quickly go over why acne- or “breakouts,” as they’re commonly known- happens in the first place.

Acne is basically an inflammatory skin condition caused by hormones (usually testosterone), bacteria on your skin called Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes for short), clogged pores due to excess oil production by sebaceous glands located underneath hair follicles in our skin.

Because acne seems self-explanatory enough at face value however, I thought I’d share some more interresting or perhaps unknown information with you about how what goes on under our skins’ surfaces when we breakout:

  • White blood cells patrol all over human bodies 24/7 poised ready for foreign invaders lke bacteria.
    • They track down bacterial colonies below layers of dead skins cells within plugged up hair follicles causing spots.
  • Skin makes oily substance called Sebum made from fatty acids which mix with wax and lipids too
    • A breeding ground nourishing P.Acnes populations leading inflammation turn those whitehead black etcetera fun things!
  • Excess sugar levels cause insulin spike>trigger &rogens imbalance>faster development of pimples > also cause redness/inflammation making things worse
    • Goodbye Pizza Fridays

It may seem simple but there are plenty factors behind what causes us humans tendency to breakout being different person-to-person so maybe even after this post busting through the myths of alcohol & acne you’ll still have questions but that’s okay…let’s get to it!

The Alcohol-Acne Connection

First things first: alcohol is NOT the root cause of acne. If clearing up your skin was as simple cutting out alcohol from your life, then we’d all be walking around with perfect complexions!

That being said, there are a few ways in which drinking can potentially exacerbate breakouts:

Alcohol Causes Dehydration:

Alcohol dehydrates the body including skintissue causing slowed healing processes and impaired cell repair contributing to more obvious signals of aging like wrinkles dryness (as if any signs for “adulting” could become more evident) However because dehydration also means less water in hairfollicle pore-holes within skins outer-layer this results producing overcompensation oils.

Alcohol Increases Hormone Production:

As an example; In June 1987 issue discovered a study indicating consuming ethanol raised testosterone. As previously mentioned high-levels ↑ leads increase oil production within skins’ layers such as forehead/chin/nose(lol), leading to blocked pores promoting generation P.Acne bacteria.

Another aspect to consider is cutaneous flushing, which occurs when blood capillaries expand due to increased levels of histamine – one reason behind those dreaded red wine hangovers/hangs0ver showing as splashes on our faces the next day after heavy nights out

One of/many responsible hormones for Acnes development called DHEA-sulphate would not be produced by enough amounts so that instances lead possible diminishment developing new bad boys since hormones link directly via sex glands adrenal glands hormones besides beverage consumption affects way liver handles hormone breakdown unnecessarily under-produces required messengers meaning clogged pores extra much easier.

What Types of Alcoholic Beverages Can Cause Breakouts?

While drinking every type alcoholic drink often happens confusion regarding types impact on our acne. Make assumptions based assumption alcohol content/wackiness difference will change outcome.

However, as a general rule of thumb: Darker-colored alcoholic beverages are more likely to cause pimples than lighter-colored ones.

This is because darker alcohols like red wine and bourbon contain significantly higher amounts of congeners – toxic byproducts produced during the fermentation process that give darker drinks their distinct flavor intensities flavors which can ferment into antibiotic-resistant bacteria living beneath epidermis even survive being treated: oxford academic research

Congener-dense alternatives can greatly enhance potential P.Acne causing inflammation levels introducing bad breakouts onto previously non-troubled areas so keep your distance from stuff like Whiskey or Brandy!

So if you’re skin conscious but feel a glass of booze calls for desperate measures go with healthier shades instead like white-wine/ Champagne etcetera (as long no cocktails containing excess carbohydrates) having slightly less similar risk especially when in moderation.

Can I Drink Alcohol If I Have Acne-Prone Skin?

As much as it pains me to say this: cutting out all alcoholic beverages may not be the best or most feasible option for everyone. So if you’re dead-set on enjoying some adult cocktails here ‘n there,
pour yourself one honey we got options on how to stay looking good while getting groovy:

Hydrate Before – During – After

Prep beforehand and have water always close by-keeping hydration levels up making stronger barrier-formations stopping extra oil secretion at correct places levels. It’ll also help flush out any toxins from your body caused by consuming alcohol thereby reducing congestion within facial pores smooths out textures.

Wash Your Face Once You Get Home:

Before turning off lights&dreaming heavily eyelids triple cleanse wow adding oils moisturizers needed restore natural balances harmed too-not sealing havoc on our faces overnight simpler task would save big troubles later.

Stay Clear From Mixed Drinks:

Your tastebuds may be asking you to reach for that Long Island Iced Tea or Mai Tai, but a mixture of alcohol and sugary drinks can do even more damage. Instead try using Pure frsh juices flavorers

Opt for Light-Colored Beverages:

As previously mentioned go with white wines instead of red, if possible. Stick to lighter beers and mocktails whenever possible as well.

Finally, make sure consume in moderation only since drinking excessively overrides your body’s inherent self-healing abilities boosting P.Acne infection acting out-of-whack towards hormones causing an imbalance preventing bodies natural response when it comes to maintenance outweighs those few minutes fun times.


In conclusion my fellow-sufferers from acne there are several factors attributing as the root sources leading to breakouts particularly linked with excessive consumption alcoholic beverages of darker natures however its affects on us all varies person-to-person individually!

So don’t sell yourself short whether or not having penchant over boozes tempting gifts treat yo’self occasions…if you have good sense&moderation beforehand, while keeping stress&sugar levels low via healthy exercise habits ways- Acnes new spots could become ancient history.

Disclaimer: By no means does this post condone irresponsible drinking habits the purpose was strictly discussion regarding potential link-alcohole variables that contribute disruption skining

Remember hydrate and moisturize aren’t-your-friends? You’re going through every skincare product soon-to-be-invented😉

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