Can adults get strep throat without tonsils?

Strep throat, also known as Streptococcal pharyngitis, is a bacterial infection that targets the throat and tonsils. It’s pretty brutal and can make you feel worse than getting lost in IKEA. But what happens when your tonsils have been removed? Can adults still get strep throat without them? Let’s explore this question with all of our sickly might.

Tonsil-less Wonders

First off, let’s talk about why someone might not have tonsils to begin with. Anyone who has suffered from recurrent bouts of strep or chronic tonsillitis may eventually decide to go under the knife for a tonsillectomy. This involves removing the palatine (or oral) tonsils, which are located on either side of your tongue towards the back of your mouth.

While it’s true that those tubes-o-flesh are helpful in fighting off nasty bacteria entering through our mouths, they aren’t exactly essential later in life. In fact, many people live perfectly healthy lives once their pals (slang for tonsils) head down to Davy Jones’ locker.

So why does everyone ask if you can get Strep Throat without them if they’re so useless after removal? Good question my curious reader!

The Scoop on Strep Throat

Streptococcus pyogenes is the bacterial culprit responsible for causing sore throats worldwide. When left alone, these little guys usually hang out quietly at various entry points around our body like nostril city or cavity town (oral cavity quick definition: where your strong enamel teeth lay) until something causes one colony larger than others- sending it into action mode! Thanks very much Mr Bacterium – but I think I’d rather put money down on blackjack than bet on this guy winning any popularity contests soon.

Specifically, Streptococcus pyogenes targets our upper respiratory tract- which includes the sinuses, nasal passages and of course your throat. If you get a throat culture or swab test done, it will tell you for sure if it is indeed strep.

Tonsil-free means GERMS free?

Let’s set something straight: though the tonsils may have some benefits in warding off certain bacteria (as well as trapping larger food particles! ew.), they are by no means an invincible shield against illness.

In fact, one study suggests that even after having them removed, individuals can still contract strep from tiny droplets spread through coughs or sneezes – ACHOOOHHH!

That being said , while common to develop the infection via airplane jet stream-like transmission aka airborne – other methods include contact with infected surfaces such as doorknobs and handles found at public places such as libraries and gyms.

So my dear readership- rejoice in the knowledge that getting rid of your “tonsil furniture” did not permanently bar you from infectious illnesses like Strep Throat. You could still be susceptible(what a word) to those pesky little bacteria hanging around your locale.

Don’t Get Too Cocky…

Please don’t take this information too lightly though; everyone should always try their best to practice proper personal hygiene (insert message about washing hands for more than two seconds here) especially during symptomatic seasons when bacterial/phage streams come out strong.

So whether you’ve got ’em (your pals) or not… w^a`tch out guys – the microbes(@#$%!) are everywhere!


From what we know now post-surgery removal routine checkup babies — yes adults who’ve had their tonsils taken out can certainly experience Stprep throat infections / bacterial causes due to close contact transmission with other infected individuals or contaminated surfaces. Despite their useful qualities as part of our body’s defense system, tonsils are not the sole player in protecting you from those pesky bacteria.

Keep in mind we aren’t saying that having your tonsils isn’t a rip-roaring good time…we’re just saying even after they sail off into oblivion, hey can still leave you open to bacterial infections sometimes- OH NOES!

In conclusion

In conclusion: Yes dear reader , adults without tonsils CAN get strep throat – despite being that one kid who didn’t have to go through getting them taken out as a child.

So while it is true that our palatine buds may be missed (depending on your stance and perspective…) worry about NC0V instead!

And remember- when life gets tough, swallow some Tylenol and gargle salt water – which I am 1% sure won’t actually help fight infection but will numb the pain so voila!

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