Breathe better when push nose up?

Have you ever wondered if pushing your nose up could help you breathe better? Are you tired of feeling stuffy and congested all the time? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the theory behind pushing your nose up and whether it really works.

The Theory Behind Pushing Your Nose Up

The idea behind pushing your nose up comes from a concept called nasal valve collapse. This occurs when there is a narrowing or collapsing of the nasal passages that can obstruct airflow.

According to Dr. David W. Kim, a facial plastic surgeon at Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgery Center, “By applying pressure on the sidewalls of your nostrils in an upward and outward direction, it widens those passageways for air to flow through.”

So theoretically speaking, pushing your nose up should open up those collapsed passages and allow for easier breathing.

How to Push Your Nose Up

Now that we know why we’re doing it let’s talk about how to push our noses up.

  1. Wash Your Hands: Before touching any part of your face make sure that you have clean hands.
  2. Locate Nasal Valves: Find where your nostrils meet with curved upper cartilage; these are known as nasal valves.
  3. Position Fingers Correctly: Use two fingers (index & middle) from either hand against each sidewall placing them just above nasal valves.
  4. Pull upwards gently: Press inward against both sides but with slight resistance lift using index fingers towards top making sure not to distort shape by trying stretch too much
    5 . Hold For 30 Seconds And Release– Repeat several times throughout the day.

Make sure not apply too much force while pulling otherwise might irritate inner tissue

## Does It Really Work?

Many people claim they feel relief after utilizing this method, so yes —it does work; up to a certain extent according to experts. While pushing your nose up on its own won’t cure chronic respiratory illness or structural nasal issues, it can help alleviate temporary stuffiness or congestion.

When Should You Push Your Nose Up?

You can try pushing your nose up as soon as you experience sinus pressure oftentimes caused for example by allergies — Spring and Fall are allergy seasons after all. Just remember that this method is more of a quick fix; if trying consistently failing please consult with health-care professional check whether have underlying condition causing obstruction breathing.

## Best Accompaniments

Nasal spray – Saline helps catch irritants/ mucus making easier to discharge

Humidifier– A cool-mist humidifier creates ideal moisture levels helping reduce inflammation

Risks & Precautions For Pushing Your Nose Up

Even though the practice correctly taken does not pose any risk , there are some precautions one should take into consideration:

  • Do not blow nose excessively hard right after doing so .
  • Do not use fingers in should an infected area.
  • Regularly wash your hands before touching face/nose make sure germs cut down.

## Alternatives To Remedying Congestion

If constantly struggling recurring symptoms another alternative option could consult doctor referring specialist finding out underlying issue.
In most cases natural remedies we recommend inhaling steam from boiled water/home-made vapour rubs promising results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pushing Your Nose Up

Here are the most commonly asked questions related to this topic:

Q: Is It Harmful To Pinch My Nostrils Together?

According Dr Kim forcefully pinching nostrils noses especially cause pain and discomfort of surrounding tissue which also affect future widening passageways airflow.

Q: Can I Use This Method During COVID19

There’s no evidence linking usage push nose techniques spread virus particles—with limiting its overall effectiveness worth considering alternatives coronavirus season.

Q: How long Should I Hold my Nose Up?

To maximize benefits health experts recommend holding both sides of nose open between 20-30 seconds before releasing—this period allowing for necessary oxygen flow.


In conclusion, pushing your nose up is a quick and easy method to try if you’re looking to alleviate temporary congestion. While there’s no guarantee it will work for everyone, many people have found relief in this remedy. Remember that while pushing your nose up can be helpful, it shouldn’t replace proper medical attention if you’re dealing with chronic respiratory issues.

Stay healthy!

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