Are sebaceous cysts harmful?

We’ve all had the odd spot or two – but what about when it’s something a little bit more than just your average pimple? If you’ve noticed a small, round lump on your skin that’s slightly pink in colour, then there is a chance that you may have developed sebaceous cysts. And no, they’re not as cute and cuddly as their name makes them sound!

Sebaceous cysts are usually nothing to worry about; they can be unsightly and sometimes uncomfortable though. However – given certain circumstances and complications that can arise through being heavy-handed with these pus-filled nodules – are sebaceous cysts harmful? Let’s take an hilariously informative look.

What Are Sebaceous Cysts?

So firstly: what actually are these pesky lumps we call “sebaceous cysts”? They develop from cells in the foul glands (hence the ‘sebac’ part of their name) which creates oily secretions called ‘sebum’. When these go wrong under our skin – thanks heaps genetics – this oil gets trapped causing blocked pores beneath the surface level of our skin.

This blockage forces its way into larger shapes forming into balls similar to an inflatable ball…it doesn’t quite float around like said inflated orb would For those of us non-savvy medical folks out there: These ballooned formations every morning become sebastious cysts!

The majority of cases involve only one spot developing at any time anywhere on or within our bodies which means if we’re too shy doctors will never know, however, they’ve been also known to show up as multiples.

Symptoms of a Sebaceous Cyst

How do you tell if it’s just an innocuous sebaceous cyst or something more sinister? If you’re the sort that picks up medical books and immediately whip out google to self-diagnose which 90% is incorrect – let’s help ease your fears – sebaceous cysts are usually pretty easy to spot.

  1. A bump under the skin (often indicated by a small dark dot when viewed from far away)
  2. Varying in size from pea-sized up to golf-ball sized (we won’t suggest anything beyond this)
  3. Reddish or pinky colouring
  4. Often found on areas where there is body hair involved

If these symptoms match with something showing upon yourself then sorry, skin problems just got real personal!

Causes of Sebaceous Cysts

Whilst sebaceous lumps can form randomly without explanation happening anywhere at any time…some common causes include:

  • Blocked oil glands/ducts resulting in trapped oil under our skin.
  • Due to several hormonal changes over the years may develop into noncancerous tumors.
  • Inheriting abnormal genes resulting in numerous cyst development even at birth.
  • Inflammation triggered by acne causing damaged follicles.

Ahh mon doux Francais! Blockage and irritation due pimples could actually trigger forming these slightly larger balls; I guess we’ll have to learn not be so rough with ourselves!

Unique situation arises in sometimes men will develop such “squeeze” during sex being oblivious initially thinking what is squirted aren’t made out of fancy jelly but instead smelly secretion collected for too many periods before bursting free becoming concentrated forms within sac like structures: results become epidermal inclusion cysts! Make someone regret not pulling condoms consistently….yeesh.

Are Sebaceous Cysts Harmful?

So, let’s get down to it – what are the chances of these things being harmful?

Sebaceous cysts themselves are not necessarily dangerous – they often eventually disappear on their own without need for any particular treatment.

However, intervention may be necessary should cysts grow larger or start causing discomfort; this is where stuff potentially gets volatile.


The glands secreting sebum material providing bacteria relatively comfy setting to thrive which results in the tissue around the bumps swelling up with huge levels of pus emitted through touch surrounding regions can also inflame severely. So if we’re too eager and decide to pick at these puss-filled sac: there is exponentially increasing risk of triggering infections ranging from mild to highly severe developing under our skin :joy: just like our teenage acne days!

Speaking nontechnically here- big no-no trying popping those bubbles folks!


Healthy living dictates having a well-rounded diet plan but avoiding breaking excessively large thresholds whilst performing essential exercises…because that momentum force could easily break a rupture upon impact during activity sessions resulting surprise fouls moments with smelly accoutrements stinking out gym environments [Never eating walnuts again]. This interruption allows fluids which were trapped within capsules previously spilling out as would occur had someone autonomously squeezed said bump or sphere that time earlier .

So kids henceforth avoid squeezing mystery spheres otherwise becoming mobile entities you haul around worrying about smelling like rancid cheese constantly due unplanned pop-session then eventual regret becomes instant lifelong companion! Yikes.

Cancer Costs

It must be repeated though that usually they cause no harm altogether…..BUT sometimes when left untreated, cysts eventually turn cancerous forcing discussion with medical professionals regarding complete removal best mean available.

Big bold font now DO NOT IGNORE sebaceous lumps IF it goes ignored for long periods without attention due to assumptions wanting keep bodily privacy any costs – cancerous notions until they inevitably get worse resulting. Be proactive, look after yourselves and seek medical advice if you think sht’s going down.

Treatment Options for Sebaceous Cysts

So we’ve covered that sometimes – just sometimes – sebaceous cysts need a bit of extra love from medical expertise in order for them to disappear entirely. Rest assured though there are many forms of help out there!

Wait It Out

Sometimes nature is boyond doctors’ control granting natural healing abilities eventually taking over necessitating us only waiting things out becoming mobile appendages constantly emitting rotten smells around our romantic partners! Upkeep consists simple washing areas with good hygiene practices till hairs dislodge on their own accord letting go much needed relief.


When these bumps grow larger than the sizes aforementioned or cause too much discomfort during activities, cutting operation legitimately offers: complete extraction of sac-like elements trapping oils underneath efficiently sorting problem area completely… but obviously maximum cuts as necessary will be made into the skin which could impact length recovery periods post-surgery but no worries, worth it in grand scheme of things…

Say goodbye to those foul-smelling annoyances once and for all!

Oh I forgot one option…oh yeah that third thing… Stop picking at your spots!

Prevention Methods

We know most cases resulting randomly across our bodies however some pretty useful bits knowledge coming up:

  • Try performing periodic hair removal measures while striving keeping oneself body thoroughly moisturized daily.
  • Constructing plans involving health-conscious meals consisting nuts grains vegetables fruits wholefoods and lots more fluids definitely slow down progression!
  • Maintaining regimen regarding exfoliations keeping pores from getting blocked causing undetected inflamed sites popping through damaged follicles…
  • STOP TRYING TO POP THOSE BLOODY LUMPS BOYS AND GIRLS you’re just making matters much much worse.


To sum it all up – sebaceous cysts are a form of lump which usually develop within our bodies due to excess oil production needing only simple home remedies for easily plucked away…

However… on very rare occasions, they may turn into something more vicious over time as problems exacerbate requiring expert medical intervention finally resulting full removal essential.

So in short my dear friends: if you’re able to ignore these small bumps (which encompasses the majority of cases), then do so! Keep your hands off and let nature run its course.

But always be aware– sometimes that cute little blemish can morph into something far more deadly…

And with that nice thought, I’m off!

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