Are peppermints good for you?

Peppermint, the glorious herb that has been used in everything from candy canes to toothpaste. But, is it actually good for our health or just a sneaky way for toothpaste companies to sell more products? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of peppermints and see whether munching on them is worth your time.

What are Peppermints?

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let’s establish what exactly peppermints are. Well, they’re small hard candies made with sugar and natural flavorings – usually peppermint oil. They’ve been around since the late 1700s when they were invented by an Englishman named William Nunns; however, mint as a medicinal herb dates back much further than that. I mean who doesn’t love sucking on these delicious little suckers?

Nutritional Value

Unfortunately (or fortunately), there isn’t really any nutritional value in peppermints. Most of them contain very little vitamins or minerals aside from some traces here and there – but you’d have to eat so many mints to gain any real benefit from their meagre nutrients it’s hardly worth mentioning….

Medical Benefits of Peppermint

But wait! That doesn’t mean that peppermint is a complete waste of space! In fact, this lovely plant has quite a few medical benefits.

Digestive Issues

Peppermint tea has long been known as an aid for digestive issues such as bloating or indigestion thanks to its ability to relax muscles in the stomach and intestines which allows gas to pass through easier.


A study conducted by The University Centre Southampton found it helpful at reducing IBS symptoms such as abdominal pain!


Had one too many drinks last night? One test-tube study found that applying a peppermint oil solution to the forehead alleviated tension headaches.


Peppermint has also been found to have antimicrobial properties which make it a useful tool in fighting against certain bacteria such as E.Coli and staphylococcus aureus.

All these benefits are thanks to menthol – an active ingredient found in peppermint oil that does all the hard work.

Are There any Negative Effects of Peppermints?

As with everything, there is always the potential for negative effects (sadly). In rare cases, people may experience heartburn or allergic reactions due to specific oils used in flavorings.. So be aware!

But outside of those occurrences, eating too many mints can lead to indigestion simply by swallowing too much air!


So… are peppermints good for you? While they don’t exactly qualify as ‘healthy,’ they do have some medical perks – like soothing digestive issues or helping beat back unwanted bacterial infections. But remember, even great things should be eaten/snacked on/spiritually devoured/moderated responsibly/as if someone were watching …because you never know when one-too-many will sneak up on you with a wicked case of heartburn!

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