Are headaches a side effect of birth control?

You’ve probably heard the expression, “no pain, no gain” before. But ladies (and anyone who takes birth control), have you ever asked yourself whether that includes suffering from debilitating HEADACHES? If so, this article is for YOU.

Hormones can be a headache

First things first: let’s talk hormones. Birth control pills are known to change your body’s hormone levels in order to prevent ovulation and stop the whole baby-making train dead in its tracks. But what does that really mean for your head?

When you mess with your hormone balance, it can result in some pretty unpleasant symptoms – including migraines or tension headaches (or both if luck isn’t on your side). The changes that occur within the female hormonal system can sometimes lead to overexcitability of neurons involved in pain sensation – welcome headache city!

Now listen up folks because here comes the nerdy bit; certain types of progesterone-only contraceptives such as the implant or injections have been associated with an increase in Central Nervous System sensitivity which has been tied to increased migraine frequency for some women.

What causes contraceptive-induced headaches?

Unfortunately folks we do not have clear answers on this one yet – lucky us.

Most forms of contraception come loaded with synthetic estrogen and/or progestin which leaves our bodies feeling like they’re playing catch-up when it comes to producing natural sex steroids at healthy levels again . When suddenly restricting natural steroid production while providing artificial ones + stress… I think a lot more than just headaches should be expected!). While people often report these kinds of issues during their period cycle also due to fluctuations however there appears an added element post-BCP use.

Additionally , combined oral contraceptive pill may lower serum Magnesium level which itself being used therapeutically cut-onset time + reduce symptom intensity which makes withdrawal/low magnesium premenstrual headaches a little more frustrating.

Don’t give up yet!

That being said, just because contraceptives can cause headaches doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to toss them out and start popping vitamin C like candy. As you probably know by now – we humans are all unique individuals with different lifestyles, expectations and overall sensitivities which is why the ability for tailored / personalised family planning choices is so important.

Your best bet here if migraines/headaches happen often (especially at BCP initiation or increase) may be switching to another form of contraception altogether – after all there are A LOT of options on the market nowadays from IUDs/Coil implants which do not have hormones, or maybe try altering/delaying your period cycle completely outside menstrual phase as noted above/more frequently with a separate tablet, patch or vaginal ring.


Ok folks in summary… Sadly headache symptoms that are hormone related come alongside birth control use for some women making this an undesirable side effect(seriously though…of ALL things.). More research certainly has led to useful treatments such as magnesium supplements but generally where possible maintaining healthy hormone levels post BC whether through compounded bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), herbal remedies that maintain hormonal balance(another cool topic/article!), exercise or preventing natural mineral/vitamin deficiencies are good approaches + always check this beat headache guide before self-medicating!

But most importantly: ladies listen up – NEVER undermine excruciating pain especially when shooting near eye/temples/back of head.. consult physicians regularly & think about alternatives always maximise comfort , minimize annoyance !

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